As protests and actions continue daily across the bay, police continue to implement new tactics to quell mass mobilizations. As many may know, undercover police officers brandished guns on demonstrators in Oakland last night.
As protests and actions continue daily across the bay, police continue to implement new tactics to quell mass mobilizations. As many may know, undercover police officers brandished guns on demonstrators in Oakland last night.
Are Roy and Devon just two average guys marching with the people?
Or is Roy and Devon really Officer Jaeger and Officer Buford of the Oakland Police Department running an intel operation on demonstrators?
In the video Officer Jaeger, or “Roy”, says he believes the murder of Mike Brown was an “injustice”, but these officers show poor taste showing up to an Eric Garner protest in plain clothes.
Seconds after an Oakland Police Officer shattered Scott Olsen’s skull with a lead-filled munition, Officer Robert Roche threw an explosive teargas grenade at persons who were attempting to come to Olsen’s aid as he lay critically injured on the ground in clear view of the police. Roche was fired, but on July 30, an arbitrator overturned the termination and reinstated him with full back pay.
For those who don’t know. The murder of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman was a defining moment in history. An 17 year old adolescent was murdered on his way home from the store by a self proclaimed “Neighborhood Watch” volunteer.
1. George Zimmerman called the police about a “suspicious person” and called Trayvon a “Coon” while speaking to the 911 dispatch who ordered him not to follow Trayvon.
2. Any self proclaimed “Neighborhood Watch” volunteer would know their neighbors. However this piece of trash didn’t.
3. George Zimmerman cited the “Stand Your Ground” law in his defense which allows people to use maximum force when defending themselves from hostile aggressors. The only problem was, the child that he murdered was the only person who could have cited that law as a justification for force. Zimmerman attacked Trayvon, even after being ordered by the police to not follow him.
4. A grown man attacks an unarmed child and shoots him. It is clear who the threat was in this instance and it’s clear who should have had the sense to stand down.
Video of Victor Garcia Shooting Scott Campbell with Beanbag
On Wednesday, May 29th, 2013, Oakland Police began a vehicle pursuit in East Oakland of a car containing three occupants.
The chase would last about ten minutes and would end with a person being shot and killed as he allegedly fled police.
Thanks Kate Conger for the great writeup! Posted at SfWeekly.com
Today, the National Lawyers Guild announced that it has procured a $1.025 million settlement for approximately 150 demonstrators who were unlawfully arrested by the Oakland Police Department as they protested the “light sentencing” of Johannes Mesherle, the BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant.
For the third time in just over a month, Federal agencies have assisted Oakland Police in failed raids across the acorn projects.
At 7AM this morning around 120 Oakland Police and Federal Agents from the Secret Service, ATF, DEA, and US Marshals raided several residences in the Acorn Projects. At this point there have been no arrests.
On Aril 24th, about 150 Federal Agents and about as many Oakland Police Officers conducted 16 raids in multiple cities with their primary focus, the Acorn Projects. They netted 5 arrests, a few guns and some drugs, but from all angles, it was a law enforcement failure.
The Feds Are in Town
Then on May a more downsized unit of 40 FBI Agents, and 30 Oakland Police Officers conducted several more raids in West Oakland, yielding 3 arrests, a few guns, and some drugs.
With this much effort put into one location, one could argue that the large sums of money being spent on law enforcement operations could have greater impact if it was simply given to the residents living in the Acorn Projects.
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