On June 10th, 2013, Oakland Police arrested a 12 year old boy for allegedly stealing a cookie from a store.
According to at least one witness, officers kicked the child while restraining him. Rebecca Luisa Ruiz-Lichter was on the scene with her video camera to advocate for the child’s well being.
Video 1 (shot by Rebecca Luisa Ruiz-Lichter)
In the first video you can see Rebecca informing the police of her reasons for filming. A crime scene technician makes several attempts to obstruct Rebecca’s ability to video, to the point of making physical contact
Video 2 (shot by Rebecca Luisa Ruiz-Lichter)
In the second video the irate police employee tell Rebecca, “Mam, take your video camera and go stand over there.” Then proceeds to push Rebecca backwards making physical contact with her along the way
Video 3 (shot by Rebecca Luisa Ruiz-Lichter)
For more infor you can contact Rebecca at [email protected]
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