Video of Victor Garcia Shooting Scott Campbell with Beanbag
Video Produced by Jacob Crawford
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Officer Who Fired Beanbag At Occupy Oakland Videographer Reassigned
Oakland Wiki
Police Officer Responsible for Shooting Scott Campbell on Nov 2nd Identified
Officer Involved Shootings
Bruce Rhodes
Aged 32, Black, Male
Incident date: 04/22/2010
Alledgedly armed with: None
Status: Injured.
OPB ID: SH00199
Officers involved: Victor Garcia
Lanare Wise
Aged 18, Black, Male
Incident date: 05/21/2001
Alledgedly armed with: Firearm
Status: Injured.
OPB ID: SH00122
Officers involved: Victor Garcia
Dog killing in Oakland raises questions
Plaintiff(s): Elliott Flowers
Date filed: 2004-08-24
Settlement paid by the city: $17,500.00
Plaintiff attorney: Hunter Pyle
OPB ID: SE00319
Oakland City Attorney file number: 23665
US District Court case number: 04-cv-3521
Officers named: Jaime F Majarucon, Victor Garcia
Case Summary
Excess force used during an arrest
Some content posted is from OaklandPoliceBeat.com